Making Our Adventures Launches!
I’m John Farmer the creator of Making Our Adventures! I am an explorer at heart, a husband and father of three who traveled in my early years to Europe and Asia. Those early trips brought so many great memories, but as things happen in relationships, work and having kids took priority. However, I never lost the desire to travel and see the world. When our kids got old enough I wanted to share the places I had been with my wife and kids so off we went on some new experiences, and they have been priceless!
My love of travel extends to sharing my experiences with others as well. Occasionally people have asked to hear more about our trips and asked for advice on theirs, and I have really enjoyed helping them. So I decided to start a blog where I can share our experiences with others.
On Making Our Adventures I plan to share information about places we have been and places we plan to go. I will also focus on the art of making new family experiences by focusing on the planning process. My goal is to demystify planning adventures for other families who are apprehensive of taking the leap.
Travel is such a valuable learning experience about the world and is one of the best things parents can do to help educate their children. This article describes ways that travel can shape your children and it doesn’t just shape them, it shapes us too.
So please join me on this journey by subscribing to my newsletter and following me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Together we will see the world with a different view. In closing, I hope Making Our Adventures will inspire you to make a few of your own!
John Farmer
Making Our Adventures